NPOD Spring Retreat 2024

15th Annual NPOD 
Spring Retreat
“Precision Nutrition in Obesity and its Comorbidities”

April 16, 2024
Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases Logo

The Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases (NPOD) hosted its 15th Annual Spring Retreat on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at the Nebraska East Union (1705 Arbor Dr, Lincoln, NE 68503).  
The symposium is a free event for faculty, postdocs, students, staff, industry partners, and other interested parties.

Registration is closed.

If you have any questions, please contact Verona Skomski at (


8:30am        Registration and Continental Breakfast – Nebraska East Union - Arbor Suite
9:10am         Janos Zempleni (NPOD Director) – Introductions (Prairie Suite)
9:20am         Rick Bevins (Associate Vice Chancellor for Research) – Welcome 

Angela Zivkovic (UC Davis)

“Novel Precision Nutrition Targets for Cardiovascular Disease and Dementia” 

10:30am      Break

Lu Qi (Tulane U.)

"Precision nutrition and obesity"

12:00am        Lunch – Arbor Suite

Wei Perng (CU Anschutz)

“Advancing metabolic disease prevention in youth through Precision medicine, Omics, and Data Science (PODS)”

2:30pm         Poster Session* – Arbor Suite
4:00pm         Awards and Concluding Remarks – Arbor Suite


*Student/Postdoctoral Associate Poster Competition:
Three winning posters will be recognized with a $150 award and a framed certificate. 

Angela Zivkovic

Angela Zivkovic
(University of California - Davis)


Lu Qi

Lu Qi 
(Tulane University)


Wei Perng

Wei Perng 
(University of Colorado Anschutz)

Funding for this symposium has been provided by grant support through the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM104320.
We also like to thank the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences and the College of Education and Human Sciences for their support.


University of Nebraska-Lincoln
316 Leverton Hall
phone: 402-472-3862