Symposium 2022

NPOD 8th Annual Research Symposium
“Extracellular Vesicles”

September 7, 2022
Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases Logo

Registration is closed.

The Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases (NPOD) hosted his 8th Annual Research Symposium on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at the Sheldon Museum of Art (12th and R St, Lincoln, NE).  

The symposium is a free event for faculty, postdocs, students, staff, industry partners, and other interested parties.

8:30 amRegistration and Continental Breakfast – Great Hall 
9:10 am Janos Zempleni (NPOD Director) – Introductions 
9:20 amJennifer Nelson (Associate Vice Chancellor for Research) – Welcome - Auditorium
9:30 am 

Kristy Brown (Weill Cornell Medical College)  

"Adipose-derived extracellular vesicles support breast cancer cell proliferation by stimulating mitochondrial respiration"

10:30 amBreak
11:00 am

Elizabeth McNeill (Iowa State University) 

“The Impact of a High Fat Diet on the miRNA Gene Regulation Axis in the Brain”

12:00 pm Lunch - Great Hall
1:30 pm

Susmita Sahoo (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)

“Therapeutic and Diagnostic EVs in Cardiovascular Disease: A Roadmap to Clinic”

2:30 pmPoster Session – Great Hall *
4:00 pm Awards and Concluding Remarks – Great Hall

 *Student/Postdoctoral Associate Poster Competition:
Three winning posters will be recognized with a $150 award and a framed certificate. 

If you have any questions, please contact Verona Skomski at (

Kristy Brown

Kristy Brown
(Weill Cornell Medical College)


Elizabeth McNeill

Elizabeth McNeill 
(Iowa State University)


Susmita Sahoo

Susmita Sahoo
(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) 

Funding for this symposium has been provided by grant support through the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM104320.
We also like to thank the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences and the College of Education and Human Sciences for their support.


University of Nebraska-Lincoln
316 Leverton Hall
phone: 402-472-3862