NPOD Spring Retreat 2021

12th Annual NPOD 
Spring Retreat

April 14, 2021
Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases Logo

The Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases (NPOD) will host his 12th Annual Spring Retreat on Wednesday, April 14, 2021.  This event will be delivered by Zoom.
The symposium is a free event for faculty, postdocs, students, staff, industry partners, and other interested parties.


9:00am           Janos Zempleni (NPOD Director) – Introduction

9:05am           Sherri Jones (Dean College of Education and Human Sciences) – Welcome

9:15am            Tim J. Schulz (Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Germany)
                        "Aging and adipogenesis: Stem cell failure and metabolic dysfunction"

10:15am          Break

10:30am          Jacqueline Stephens (Louisiana State University)
                        "New Insights into GH and STAT5 Dependent Regulation of Adipose Tissue Function and Metabolic Health”

11:30am          Lunch Break

12:30pm          Hei Sook Sul (University of California- Berkeley)
                        “Brown Adipose Tissue Development and Thermogenesis”

1:30pm            Student/postdocs poster competition* – announcement of winners and streaming  of their pre-recorded presentations 

2:00pm            Concluding Remarks - Janos Zempleni 


*Student/Postdoctoral Associate Presentation Competition (Deadline: Thursday, April 8):
We will use pre-recorded Powerpoint presentations (4 minutes long).
Three winning presentations will be recognized with a $150 award and a framed certificate

Tim Schulz (Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Germany)

Tim Schulz
(Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Germany)


Jacqueline Stephens  (Louisiana State University)

Jacqueline Stephens 
(Louisiana State University)


 Hei Sook Sul  (University of California- Berkele

 Hei Sook Sul 
(University of California- Berkele

Funding for this symposium has been provided by grant support through the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM104320.
We also like to thank the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences and the College of Education and Human Sciences for their support.


University of Nebraska-Lincoln
316 Leverton Hall
phone: 402-472-3862