6th Annual NPOD
Fall Symposium
“Energy Metabolism”
September 14, 2020

Registration is closed.
The Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases (NPOD) will host his 6th Annual Fall Symposium on Monday, September 14, 2020. This fall’s event will be delivered by Zoom.
The symposium is a free event for faculty, postdocs, students, staff, industry partners, and other interested parties.
9:00am Janos Zempleni (NPOD Director) – Introduction
9:05am Nathan Meier (Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research UNL) – Welcome
9:15am Yong Xu (Baylor College of Medicine)
“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire of Melanocortin Neurons”
10:15am Break
10:30am Claire Berryman (Florida State University)
“Evolution of Energy Metabolism: Genetic and Environmental Factors”
11:30am Lunch Break
12:30pm John Kirby (Medical College of Wisconsin)
"Xenobiotic Disruption of the Microbiome Alters Host Metabolic Rates"
1:30pm Student/postdocs poster competition* – announcement of winners and streaming of their pre-recorded presentations
2:00pm Concluding Remarks - Janos Zempleni
*Student/Postdoctoral Associate Presentation Competition:
We will use pre-recorded Powerpoint presentations (4 minutes long).
Three winning presentations will be recognized with a $150 award and a framed certificate.

Yong Xu
(Baylor College of Medicine)

Claire Berryman
(Florida State University))

John Kirby
(Medical College of Wisconsin)
Funding for this symposium has been provided by grant support through the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM104320.
We also like to thank the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences and the College of Education and Human Sciences for their support.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
316 Leverton Hall
phone: 402-472-3862