NIH Targeted Genome Editor Delivery Challenge Cash Prize Award

December 20, 2023

NIH Targeted Genome Editor Delivery Challenge Cash Prize Award

UNL COBRE directors Janos Zempleni and Jiantao Guo are part of a team who received a cash prize award from the Targeted Genome Editor Delivery (TARGETED) Challenge.
Their submission to the TARGETED Challenge Phase 1 entitled "Editing the genome in any tissue of choice through programmable milk exosomes" was selected by the National Institutes of Health as part of Target Area 1.
Dr. Janos Zempleni is the director of the Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases (NPOD) and Dr. Jiantao Guo is the director of the Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication (NCIBC). 


Nebraska Center for the Prevention of Obesity Diseases